
Source code for json_pointer

Module:     json_pointer.py
Author:     Chris Ermel
Purpose:    Implements a utility for administering the JSON pointer standard (IETF RFC 6901)
            defined at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901

from urllib import unquote

# Convenience Functions
[docs]def evaluate(pointer, obj): """ Retrieves the attribute specified by param path from param obj. --- Example 1 --- >>> import json_pointer >>> foo = json_pointer.evaluate('/foo', {'foo':'bar'}) >>> assert foo == 'bar' --- Example 2 --- >>> foo = json_pointer.evaluate('/foo/-', {'foo': ['bar', 'baz']}) >>> assert foo == 'baz' :param pointer: A string JSON pointer adhering to the IETF RFC 6901 JSON pointer standard for retrieving a specific attribute from a JSON-style dictionary. :type pointer: str :param obj: A dict of key/value pairs. :type obj: dict :return: The attribute specified by the path attribute, or None if it doesn't exist. :rtype: any :raises JsonPointerException: When the specified JSON pointer path does not resolve, either because the path does not exist within the dict or an out of bounds array index is specified. """ return JsonPointer(pointer).evaluate(obj)
######################### # # Classes # #########################
[docs]class JsonPointer(object): ######################### # # String Constants # ######################### __SLASH = '/' __TILDE = '~' __EMPTY_STR = '' __ESCAPED_SLASH = '~1' __ESCAPED_TILDE = '~0' __DASH = '-' __ZERO = '0' def __init__(self, pointer): """ Creates a new JsonPointer instance based on param pointer. :param pointer: The JSON Pointer string used to instantiate the JsonPointer object. :type pointer: str """ self.__validate_pointer(pointer) self.__pieces = pointer.split(self.__SLASH)[1:] def __eq__(self, other): """ Two JsonPointer instances are equal if their string representations are the same. :param other: The other JsonPointer instance being compared. :type other: JsonPointer :return: True if the JsonPointer's are equal, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return str(self) == str(other) def __hash__(self): """ JsonPointer hashing is equivalent to the hash of the string representation of the pointer. :return: The hash value of the JsonPointer. :rtype: int """ return str(self).__hash__() def __str__(self): """ :return: A nice string representation of the JsonPointer. :rtype: str """ string = self.__EMPTY_STR for piece in self.__pieces: string = "{}{}{}".format(string, self.__SLASH, piece) return string ######################### # # Interface # #########################
[docs] def evaluate(self, obj): """ Evaluates the JsonPointer against param obj. :param obj: A dict of key/value pairs. :type obj: dict :return: The attribute specified by the path attribute, or None if it doesn't exist. :rtype: any :raises JsonPointerException: When the specified JSON pointer path does not resolve, either because the path does not exist within the dict or an out of bounds array index is specified. """ assert isinstance(obj, dict), 'obj parameter given not a dict' # Used for error reporting during array access failures last_pointer_piece = None for piece in self.__pieces: try: obj = self.__access_attribute_from_object(piece, obj) except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError): raise JsonPointerException('Could not use key "{}" to access JSON given pointer "{}"."' .format(piece, str(self))) except IndexError: raise JsonPointerException('Array index "{}" out of bounds for array "{}" given pointer "{}".' .format(piece, last_pointer_piece, str(self))) last_pointer_piece = piece return obj
[docs] def move_pointer_forward(self, attribute): """ Moves the pointer forward to a child attribute of the currently referenced object. --- Example --- >>> pointer = JsonPointer('/list') >>> pointer.move_pointer_forward(0) >>> assert str(pointer) == '/list/0' :param attribute: The child attribute to move to. :type attribute: str or int """ assert isinstance(attribute, str) or isinstance(attribute, int), \ 'attribute parameter given not a string or int.' self.__pieces.append(str(attribute))
[docs] def move_pointer_backward(self): """ Moves the pointer back to the currently referenced attribute's parent. --- Example --- >>> pointer = JsonPointer('/list/0') >>> pointer.move_pointer_backward() >>> assert str(pointer) == '/list' :return: The name of the child attribute, or None if the JsonPointer is currently pointing to the root of the object. :rtype: str or None """ return self.__pieces.pop() if len(self.__pieces) > 0 else None
######################### # # Helper Functions # ######################### def __access_attribute_from_object(self, key, obj): """ Attempts to access the given key from param obj. :param key: The value being used to key into the obj param. :type key: str or int :param obj: The list or dict object being keyed into by param key. :type obj: dict or list :return: The object that has been accessed via param key. :rtype: dict or list """ if isinstance(obj, dict): key = self.__revert_escaped_path_string( unquote(key) ) elif isinstance(obj, list): if key == self.__DASH: # Special case: '-' can be specified to access the final list element key = len(obj) - 1 else: if len(key) > 1 and key[0] == self.__ZERO: raise JsonPointerException('Found a leading zero in pointer "{}".'.format(str(self))) key = int(key) return obj[key] def __escape_path_string(self, string): """ Replaces tildes with ~0 and slashes with ~1, if contained within the given string. :param string: The path string being escaped. :type string: str :return: The equivalent path string with slashes and tildes escaped. :rtype: str """ return string.replace(self.__TILDE, self.__ESCAPED_TILDE).replace(self.__SLASH, self.__ESCAPED_SLASH) def __revert_escaped_path_string(self, string): """ Replaces occurrences of ~0 with tildes and occurrences of ~1 with slashes, if contained within the given string. :param string: The path string being reverted. :type string: str :return: The equivalent path string with escaped slashes and tildes reverted. :rtype: str """ return string.replace(self.__ESCAPED_SLASH, self.__SLASH).replace(self.__ESCAPED_TILDE, self.__TILDE) def __validate_pointer(self, pointer): """ Validates the pointer string. :param pointer: The string representation of the JsonPointer. :type pointer: str :raises JsonPointerException: If the pointer isn't a string, or if the pointer does not begin with a slash character. """ if not isinstance(pointer, str): raise JsonPointerException('Pointer parameter "{}" given not a string,'.format(pointer)) if pointer != self.__EMPTY_STR and pointer[0] != self.__SLASH: raise JsonPointerException('Path "{}" given not in correct JSON pointer format.'.format(pointer))
[docs]class JsonPointerException(Exception): """ Class for exceptions raised within the json_pointer module. """ pass